- A.P.D. The Agency For Persons With Disabilities.
The Agency for Persons with Disabilities home page has information for clients, families, and providers. It has links to the APD area offices and APD news. Go to the "providers" link on their page if your interested in becoming a provider. The "providers" link also has the FSL handbook, Delmarva information, and provider rates.
- The Agency For Persons With Disabilities Is Responsible For The Medicaid Waiver Program For People Who Have Disabilities.
Please write to WaiverInfo@aol.com if you know of any other resources.
You will find information on Hud housing, public housing, homelessness, and rental help. This page will direct you to the local programs in your county. Hud housing and public house only require you to pay 30 percent of your adjusted income for rent! Hud housing and public housing are for low income people. Waiting lists to be on the program are usually from 1-2 years or more.
The Florida Ship program provides government funded down payment assistance.
A single person making 30K per year can qualify for this program. You can get between 5K to 15K, depending on the county you live in, for down payment assistance. These are NO INTEREST loans that you do not have to pay back for 30 years.
Need A Group Home?
Need A WheelChair?
Low Income Energy Assistance Program
The Florida Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides grants to assist eligible low income households in meeting the costs of heating and cooling. Low income in Florida in 2007 was defined at making 15K per year or less for a one person household.
If you know someone who is trying to rent an apartment or buy a house, they should know what is on their credit report first. If they have been evicted or have unpaid bills, they might be denied for loans and leases. You can do some things to clean up your credit or build credit before trying to get housing. For example, make sure your debt to income ratio is below 30 percent. Also, pay delinquent bills if you can. If you find mistakes on your credit report, dispute the charges.